Workplace Literacy

at 232 Wicksteed Street
or at your place of work

times to suit you

Let us help your staff to develop or hone their essential skills and enable your business to compete more effectively in the marketplace.


If you are in part-time or full-time work, we can help you to develop the skills you need to succeed, such as reading and understanding workplace information, spelling, filling in forms, writing reports and number skills. The computer part of the training includes Microsoft Office 2010.


Government subsidized workplace training in improving reading, writing, maths, and computing – 40 hours training per group.


Training packages for computing – upskilling in Microsoft Office programmes, e-mail and file management.


Contact the Whanganui Learning Centre today. Come in and talk to our qualified staff today. 232 Wicksteed Street. We are open Mon - Thurs 9am-3pm or phone 06 348 4950.

Workers in a variety of jobs need writing, speaking, listening and numeracy skills to get their jobs done. The skills people need often change according to their job description as well as the particular task they are doing.


Literacy is a social and cultural practice. The literacy skills an individual will use will change according to where the task is being done (setting) and why it is being done (purpose). Therefore, workplace literacy needs to be examined in terms of setting (where), purpose (why) and contextual demands (what is required)


The four main modes of communication at work are:

  •  reading a range of material
  • writing a range of material
  • listening and talking about work to a range of people
  • calculating and manipulating a range of data

The Whanganui Learning Centre can assist both employer and employee by tailoring a learning programme to suit your company needs. This learning ensures skills learned are relevant.


The Whanganui Learning Centre, through Literacy Aotearoa, has a funding allocation through the Workplace Literacy Fund, to develop and provide literacy programmes to organisations and their employees and to provide appropriate support afterwards.

Whanganui Learning Centre  |  232 Wicksteed Street  |  Whanganui, New Zealand 4500  |  +64 6 348 4950  |

The Whanganui Learning Centre where learning changes lives.

Copyright © Whanganui Learning Centre 2016. All rights reserved.